Thursday, December 2, 2010


Why didn't you read last week's post? Ah, because I never posted it. But I intended to.
Why didn’t I post it? Ah, because I never edited it. But I intended to.
Why didn’t I edit it? Ah, because I never finished the draft. But I intended to.
Why didn’t I finish the draft? Ah, because I never started it. But I intended to.

If only the blog post were nothing more than a case of writer’s block.

I didn’t work on homework. But I intended to.
I didn’t respond to your call or email. But I intended to.
I didn’t get to sleep earlier. But I intended to.
I didn’t set time to pray today. But I intended to.

Follow through. Sometimes we simply, legitimately are unable to. Sometimes we simply, regrettably forget to. Sometimes we simply, logically decide not to.

But usually, I find that my failure to follow through cannot be blamed on inability or forgetfulness or rejection. Instead, I choose to follow through later. I’m able, I remember, I still intend to… I just didn’t get to it yet.

My priorities aren’t revealed in my intentions so much as in my actions. I'm sure I have better priorities. At least, I intended to.


  1. Well, at least you left me a voice mail message on my birthday. Sorry, I couldn't answer your call with the cell turned off! -- Yours truly, Dad

  2. Why didn't I comment on this post? Because I never thought of a witty response. But I intended to.

    (Why didn't I edit my phrases so the prepositions would actually be positioned before the appropriate phrases? Because I was lazy. But I intended to do so.)

  3. Megan and Monica,

    Glad I was able to catch you over the weekend. Thanks for the comment.

    So did you purposely come back later to say that you had intended to comment earlier? Clever girl*

    *I watched Jurassic Park with some roommates a few weeks back and we have been using that line at all opportunities since then. How much better when it actually fits!

  4. Yes, actually, I read this post in my RSS feed and kept it "unread" so it'd come back later, ergo preserving the integrity of my comment :-P Also, I watched Jurassic Park after playing parts of the soundtrack in my high school orchestra. John Williams is inspirational. The movie's not too bad, either ;-)
