Monday, November 15, 2010

Journey Through the Word

More About
When writing About the Blog, I found my description growing rather long. [Shocking, I know.] A few Ctrl+X strokes later, the description was down to nine paragraphs. [My editing process is never that simple, but I'm trying to keep this intro brief.]

My hope was that the end result would be more direct--or at least something that could be read in one sitting. Yet I feel that there's a whole lot more to be learned about the journey theme in the Bible. It seems a pity to not draw any direct connections.

More Than One Post
Last Tuesday I finished reading Malachi, so Wednesday I started reading Genesis. Many of my original thoughts regarding the blog theme pertained to Abraham, the first man who is presented in an extended biography in the Bible. Beginning to read Abraham's story afresh returned my thoughts to his journeying--and to what we can learn from it. But I realized that starting with Genesis 12 isn't starting early enough.

Genesis to Revelation presents the overarching storyline of history, a storyline that can be described in a Creation-Fall-Redemption-Consummation framework: creation by God in the beginning, a fall into sin by man, redemption through Christ, and the final consummation of God's redemptive plan in the end.

Even Abraham's story, starting so early as the twelfth chapter of the Bible, begins after the creation and the fall. And he died with the promised redeemer still to come. There's so much more to look at than just Abraham.

Lord willing, over the next year I'll be learning a lot about the journey as I read the Biblical account, from the first day until the last. And Lord willing, I'll be blogging as I learn.

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